first piece of new triptych completed. in this triptych i want the viewer to revisit the fear of visiting the doctor as a child. each image will have a contrast of metal and flesh, vulnerability and emotion vs. cold, lifeless machine i guess. they will also depict devices used today that seem archaic and horrific but are used to perform near miraculous procedures.
same piece for "not for the squeamish". coping with death, beauty and the grotesque, White Noise, modern medical marvals and the seemingly archaic techniques used in them, blah blah blah...tired
Here are two new pieces for my portfolio class. Since I want to go to continue my education into the medical illustration field, my professor had me buy a pig's head, heart and any other parts from a butcher, compose them and draw them.
went to generation records yesterday and picked up the re-release of Ringworm's amazing first LP "The Promise" as well as the re-release of Integrity's "In Contrast of Sin" ep.
My final thesis critique was today, this series depicting The Bacchae as a magazine spread will be in the thesis exhibition in April. In the series I tried depicting explicit sexual scenes through "tasteful", classical drawings, thus creating an irony of sorts and making the viewer feel less "dirty". These illustrations are only as graphic as the viewer is. I've also played with edges and perspective a bit in order to create a drunken, dizzy feel when looking at these drawings. I created static points on the surface by placing edges and divisions of the drawings in unorthodox relations to one another. This hopefully captures the viewers eye, but does not force it to be held there. I want these drawings to make the viewer feel uneasy and dare the audience to keep looking.